
Hello and welcome to my first post on Denim Dazed, this is the first entry in my ten post series which will look at street style in 10 different cities. As you can see from the title, Aberdeen is the first city I will be looking at. I decided to start with Aberdeen as this is where I both live and study, so thought it made perfect sense!

Aberdeen is primarily a student city, you could venture anywhere within the city and you would find at least one student. This is mainly because Aberdeen is a small city with two universities, so the place is always bustling with hundreds of students. Robert Gordon University is a modern university and has a wide mix of courses including both a fashion management course and a fashion and textiles course, which makes for a lot of fashion interested students and unique fashion choices.

When I moved to Aberdeen I was amazed by the amount of people I saw on a daily basis expressing their identity through fashion. This inspired me to do the same and be more adventurous with my fashion choices. I decided to begin expressing myself through the outfits choices I made.

Coat - Superdry // Jeans - River Island // Top - Primark // Belt - New Look // Trainers - Adidas

This is generally an outfit I would wear on a day-today basis, it is comfortable, practical but still incorporates my personality. The coat is warm, waterproof and has a hood, and although it is not the most fashionable coat choice out there, it is a necessity when you live in Aberdeen. Trainers are also essential when you are a student as there is a lot of walking to be done, I picked my superstars as they are both comfortable and very on trend at the moment. However, my favourite thing about the whole outfit is the badge jeans, they are exciting and add an extra touch to the outfit, which makes it stand out. 

Coat - Hallhuber // Jeans - Topshop // Top - River Island // Bag - H&M // Belt - Primark

So whether you decide to wear a bold and bright outfit, or a black and minimalist outfit, just make sure to mix it up and express yourself when you choose!

Amy x

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